About Us

What We Do

NCSU Free Moms is dedicated to establishing a welcoming physical space where NC State University students can gather weekly for unwavering love and acceptance. The heart of our gatherings lies in the warmth of shared tables, where Free Moms, Dads, and Grandparents offer an array of home-baked goods, including allergen-free treats and fruit, creating a birthday celebration station for special moments. Additionally, the ambiance is enriched by the presence of dogs, flowers, and occasionally, a horse. The horse rider is a regular attendee each week, and it’s interesting to note that Ember and Phoenix (Clydesdale horses) have developed a fondness for cupcakes and almost any sweet treat. This delightful detail has become a meaningful and enjoyable aspect of both the horse rider’s and the horses’ weekly routine.


Our compassionate Free Moms, Dads, and Grandparents lend listening ears and comforting hugs, aiming to instill a sense of family support even for students far from home. In the spring of 2023, NCSU students formed the “Students Supporting Free Moms” organization to collaborate in providing assistance and support to the Free Moms Group.

While Free Moms, Dads, and Grandparents are a pillar of encouragement and support, it’s important to note that their role does not extend to counseling or crisis intervention. Instead, they maintain communication with NC State University Counseling Services, ready to connect students with professional assistance upon request. Together, we strive to foster a nurturing environment that echoes the love and care of family, promoting the well-being of our NC State University community.

Our Founding Story

What kind of woman strolls onto a bustling university campus armed with nothing but a pound cake? Meet Nancy Nelson, affectionately known as the “OG” or Original Free Mom. Back in 2019, a whole pandemic ago, Nancy embarked on a mission fueled by the conviction that “something had to be done” for today’s young people. After thinking, dreaming, praying, and seeking a sign, she found it – a LITERAL street sign that read “Mother Nancy,” appearing just when she needed it.


Nancy, along with a dedicated group of “Free Moms,” spent a few years behind the Talley Student Center outside, weathering the challenges of COVID-19. They faithfully connected with and supported hundreds of college students each week through baked goods, hugs, and empathetic listening. Then came the Fall of 2022, and word spread like wildfire. Volunteers flooded in – 60 by winter break, 100 more by Easter, and a whopping 200-plus by the end of Spring 2023.

These volunteers, including moms, dads, and grandparents, have created a Thursday Love-Fest, now embracing over 2,000 NC State students. Dogs, hugs, birthday songs, flowers, and attentive ears became regular features. Their smorgasbord of home-baked goodies outshone even Dunkin’ Donuts. And yes, Nancy’s pound cake was a constant presence.

Amidst this outpouring of love, the university faced a crisis that thrust the “Free Mom” movement into the mainstream media. A grieving community turned to find Free Moms offering unconditional love, shoulders to lean on, and words of encouragement. Though unplanned, the media spotlight connected the dots, spreading the message far and wide. As a result, Free Moms Groups began sprouting on university campuses across NC, SC, and VA.

The mission is beautifully simple, and its essence is contagious: Show up. Love Kids. Bring Food. No Agenda. Just Love.

Mission & Values

At the heart of NCSU Free Moms lies a profound mission: to create a haven of unwavering support and unconditional love for the students of NC State University. The organization was born out of a vision to address the evolving needs of today’s young individuals, recognizing the challenges they face on their academic and personal journeys. Guided by the belief that “something had to be done,” the founder, Nancy Nelson, embarked on a mission that transcended traditional support structures.


The core mission of NCSU Free Moms is beautifully straightforward: to show up, love kids, bring food, and extend genuine care with no hidden agenda but love. This commitment is reflected in the weekly gatherings where a diverse group of Free Moms, Dads, and Grandparents converge in two places, Centennial Campus on Thursday mornings from 9:30AM to 12:30PM and Wolf Plaza on main campus from 1:00PM to 4:00PM, offering a warm and welcoming space for students. The organization understands the importance of fostering a sense of family, especially for those students who may be far from home, and strives to create an atmosphere where every student feels valued, accepted, and heard.

Central to the values of NCSU Free Moms is the concept of selfless giving. Volunteers dedicate their time and energy to provide not only home-baked goods and flowers but also comforting hugs, birthday celebrations, and the soothing presence of dogs. Their commitment extends beyond the surface, creating a genuine connection with students through empathetic listening and unconditional love. The organization acknowledges that the well-being of students goes beyond academic success and aims to support their holistic development by fostering a community that embodies love, acceptance, and compassion.

NCSU Free Moms’ impact extends beyond the campus grounds, especially during times of crisis. In facing the challenges of the Fall of 2022, the organization inadvertently became a source of solace for a grieving community. The media spotlight brought attention to the genuine support Free Moms provided, turning their mission into a national movement. This unexpected but impactful connection reinforces the values of NCSU Free Moms — the simple yet powerful idea that love can make a profound difference in the lives of students, creating a ripple effect that extends far beyond the university campus.

Our Volunteers

NCSU Free Moms owes its vibrant and nurturing presence on campus to the dedicated and compassionate individuals that make up its Volunteer Team. Comprising a diverse group of Free Moms, Dads, and Grandparents, this team brings to life the organization’s mission of providing unwavering support and unconditional love to the students of NC State University.


What sets the Volunteer Team apart is their genuine commitment to the well-being of the students they serve. Nancy Nelson, the “OG” and visionary behind NCSU Free Moms, ignited a spark that attracted like-minded individuals willing to go the extra mile to make a positive impact on the lives of young people. Every Thursday during the fall and spring semesters, this team converges on campus, transforming a physical space into a sanctuary of warmth, acceptance, and connection.

The volunteers embody the values at the core of NCSU Free Moms, demonstrating the beauty of selfless giving. Beyond the delightful spread of home-baked goods, allergen-free treats, and vibrant flowers, the team extends genuine love through comforting hugs, the presence of dogs, and heartfelt birthday celebrations. They understand that creating a sense of family for students, especially those away from home, is paramount. The Volunteer Team strives to be the listening ears, the supportive shoulders, and the source of unconditional love that every student needs.

The growth of the NCSU Free Moms Volunteer Team is a testament to the movement’s impact. Starting with a handful of volunteers, the team has burgeoned, with 60 by winter break, 100 more by Easter, and over 200 dedicated individuals by the end of Spring 2023. Their collective efforts have turned Thursday gatherings into Love-Fests, reaching over 1,500 NC State students each week.

During times of crisis, the Volunteer Team’s resilience shines. The fall of 2022 saw a community in grief, and the Free Moms became beacons of comfort, offering not only baked goods and flowers but also solace, understanding, and encouragement. The media spotlight inadvertently thrust them into the mainstream, turning their local impact into a national movement.

The NCSU Free Moms Volunteer Team is not just a group of individuals; they are the embodiment of a mission, the living expression of values, and the driving force behind a movement that continues to touch lives and inspire communities far beyond the university campus. Their commitment to showing up, loving kids, and bringing not just food but genuine care, speaks volumes about the transformative power of compassion and community.

Founder Nancy Nelson, the “Original Free Mom!”